We’ve Gone on Holiday By Mistake

Being the Blog of Steampowered Mouse

That is, in fact, a dog not a blanket.

It is about time I got my act together to make a website. I have often practiced shouting into the void and now and again the void shouts back. I’m not the best at writing bios but I’ll try to give a survey of who I am. (Thank you, Kindle, for reading this and giving me helpful feedback.)

My name is Caite. I’m an individual of many hats. Mainly I am a visual artist, musician, puppeteer and gal Friday. I love art and film, and so much of the opportunities I have had in my life in these regards are through the kindness of others and the drive that “I want to play, too.” I think being oneself and play is very important.

I hope to make this site a portfolio of my professional and semi-professional works as well as a blog. I find writing helps me process and it seems to have helped others hold accountability with their projects if they have an outlet.

There will be swearing. There will be pontificating about media, film, books, music, high strangeness, puppets, whatever strikes my fancy.

There will eventually be a portfolio of my work as a designer and production artist. These include logos, adverts, album covers and packaging, art, and various things.

My day job is a graphic designer/production artist for a large hospitality technology company which I have worked with since 2017. Chances are, you have interacted with something I helped do if you stayed in a major hotel. On top of content and design, I suppose I bring a bit of goblin chaos to the proceedings, as my team is wonderful, and I am certain if we were ever in a room all at once we would get in a spot of trouble.

I hope that perhaps this will be catharsis and something to help me get a bit of a spark back after giving up hope a little bit. My home carries grief as a visitor as of late.

I try to respect privacy where I can so some people when I mention them will be referred to as nicknames or other things. I have some lovely interactions I hope to share sometimes, but I may leave out names or further identifying things.

Those that know me and have met my husband, I assure you that Roy is in fact the person you have met that has a different name. He asks that I am vague about him in certain situations, so I am and also why sometimes I use both names when talking to certain people.

I am a survivor of domestic violence and other situations that have colored how I interact with the world a bit. I am six years into a good therapist – who recommended I write again. Whether or not I actually give this link out we’ll see ha, and this is something that I am working on releasing shame for.

Part of what I do is contract with a victim advocacy center where I handle their marketing, information design needs and social media/information networking in addition to my day job. They provide care and emergency services for people in domestic abuse situations as well as safe visitation space for people looking to regain custody of their children.

I’m in my 30’s. I have a chronic health condition that is genetic and a few years ago dislocated/cracked my tailbone and I did not seek medical attention and now I am all kinds of fucked up about it. I am still in the process of physical therapy. I despise physical therapy, but I adore my therapist (hello E.U., you’re wonderful and I like that we laugh through every session.)

I’m interested in conservation and being the best human I can while interacting with the Earth. I may post about that as well from time to time, in addition to the things we attempt to do around our home in the woods. I’m most at home surrounded by trees.

As of this writing I have two house rabbits and a dog.

My rabbits are Mystic and Hex. Mystic is a bizarre little monster that is wholly unafraid of people and demands to be actually carried around like a small monarch. We call him the Duchess. Hex is a mild-mannered guy that spent the first 15 months of his life in a shelter until we adopted him. He has been on the inside and has the scars to prove it. He’s been slow to open up but he’s always up for a cuddle.

My dog is Arrow, and knows words in English and American Sign Language, and is a menace. He’s a little over a year old and is some sort of Great Pyrenees / poodle amalgamation. He’s somewhere over 65lbs and when he stands on his back legs he is almost face to face with me (I’m about as average as they come at 5’4″) so he’s like a giant toddler.

I have been in a few independent puppet film projects and I am grateful for the chance, live projects and performances, and performed and volunteered for the Puppetry Track at DragonCon and the Center for Puppetry Arts in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. There is nothing quite like doing line entertainment and direction for drunken con-goers in the middle of the night waiting to see a puppet slam. I always tabled at the puppetry track table as I loved being a pusher for puppet information and art. The last year I was able to attend before my life became extremely chaotic and we had to move several times, I was “promoted” and managed opening the table myself.

Judging from my hair color this must be 2015. Behold my puppet holster.
Running fog machine and lights for an indie horror film. This was actually in the yard where I was living with my two roommate, Chrisco and Patrick. It was by the haunted shed that I hated. Yes, my hat has ears on it.

Growing up I enjoyed photography, and my friends and I were always making or writing movies. I have an interest in languages and figured I would be in film, photography or become a linguist/translator. None of which really came to fruition in full. In high school I took university level English and Literature courses and excelled there and in art and design while struggling with maths and everything else and generally getting into every music or performance situation I could. I did a pretty decent turn as MacBeth in a table reading of the play because none of the guys wanted to do it.

Three of the classic films by Laverne Productions of Fayette County. Good lord I need to digitize these and get some permissions to at least share Robots Outside

I went to a small art program at a small university in the woods by the river and some train tracks. It was a weird time in my life and sometimes I feel like I could have done better but here we are.

As a musician, I took formal piano lessons, but otherwise no formal training though I wish I had. I took a lesson now and again with a local guy to help me when the band director gave me a particularly difficult piece or for a really tough musical number. I have played bass guitar since my 13th birthday and frequently was in pit orchestras for musicals as a student and later a hired ringer.

I wanted to audition for Cirque du Soleil musician in college, but I backed out at the last minute after practicing my heart out for it. Much like each year I stare at the application for the O’Neil Puppetry Conference and then never click “send.”

Sometimes I wonder about that. I did swing/jazz band all through high school and college and field band. I do also play the flute, which is sort of something I just figured out after very rudimentary “you put your fingers here” lessons in middle school. I have been in student orchestras as well as high honors audition-based state- and country-wide orchestras and I think it was mainly moxie that got me there because I just wanted to play music so badly. My senior year of high school, I had a solo, but I had to switch chairs with the second chair flute so I was not immediately visible because I kept laughing at the climax of “Also Sprach Zarathrustra” and I am not sure why it struck me as so funny but it did. I got in a little trouble. I briefly played tenor saxophone in middle school at age 12 or 13 because it was the same place you put your fingers for flute but sideways. I was not the best with a reed instrument but why not.

I played bass in field band. By hooking my amplifier to a boat battery. Every time the weather turned sour, it was an adventure.

I’m allegedly an alto according to the musical director of my high school but mainly I sing for fun and by imitation. My voice sounds like “a Disney princess with a northern Appalachian accent and a vocal fry” as per a friend and I guess that’s fairly accurate.

I worked for a band for a number of years, and have been in several of my own. The band I worked for, which some of these details will come later, was a concept band and we all had costumes and characters. I did everything from run their merch table, book shows, edit videos, design CD packaging, whatevs.

Music is my life line. I was (and probably still am) a punk kid growing up – garage shows, everyone in a band, mohawks, The Clash, The Sex Pistols, Rancid, Bowie, Pink Floyd the whole deal. I’m not too much different now, honestly.

Some of the lads. This was at a charity event my friends and I did for the local homeless shelter called “Mission for the Mission.” I was the event photographer. Two of the boys in this photo have passed away in the last ten years. Godspeed Nate and Jeffy.

I live in America, and things are quite a mess here right now. I shall endeavor to live deliciously as I can and do all the good I can for the environment and fellow humans before my punk ass is carted away. Human rights and equality are important to me.

I am the stereotypical “voracious reader.” I read comics as well as books.

On all this – I invite you to reach out. Despite being a bit quiet, I really like talking to people from all over the world, and am always up for a chat.

I’m still trying to sort out a contact page, but for now you can reach me at steampoweredmouse@gmail.com

I’m currently open for some professional inquiries as well.

Cheers and remember:

Strength before weakness. Life before death. Journey before destination.


Additional resources for the time that are reflective of who I am:

My interview on “Creative Weirdos” with Todd Purse. Todd is wonderful and I love his art. We talk about games, the nature of play, philosophy, whatever. We had no plan and he just asked me to do it. This was the first time we ever spoke! He is delightful. I just sort of… talked for awhile. It starts with video games and art and I pick up steam and throw out all sorts of philosophical nuggets that may or may not hold truths. Probably not. Contains my superhero origin story.


My only starring film role! An 8mm black and white film done in conjunction with Pittsburgh Filmmakers by Jonathan Decarlo (he works in THE INDUSTRY now) I think we were all between 18-21 in this. I did this because I spent an ungodly amount of time each summer with these punks and we were always making movies and also they needed a girl and I said “Okay.”

*It occurs to me now that while I hadn’t watched or thought about this movie in awhile, it’s a little odd because only a couple years after this I would be car jacked while sitting at a red light (perhaps for another post) and then a little after that I would dodge fate again at the hands of an angry man. This is now kind of ominous foreshadowing. However – I am still happy I participated. Also, the “John Doe” in this is one of my best friends from high school. He stayed over my house all the time and I at his and we would run around at 2am causing trouble. I was in his wedding a few years back.

The 2015 DragonCon parade puppetry track support of Big Bird.
(There is an excellent story here. Timestamp 14:12, good view of the group and I’m the one in the back in the black and purple with the bright blue gremlin puppet.)


And in closing, a climate scientist that I follow that gives good climate news if you need a win.



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