Author: steampoweredmouse_8hn2zg

  • 2025: Big Tony Stark Energy

    So it is now March. I have taken a breath, and am learning this whole “don’t just sit down and write when you can’t sleep and perhaps not sound so unhinged.”

    The downstairs flooded last night, so the shenanigans continue. I am tired. But I continue to be motivated.

    Love to my friend Kindle who has shared this journey of attempting to get our sparks back with me. Their writing is far better and thoughtful than mine and I appreciate the exchange.

    That being said, I told my manager at work that I would be entering 2025 with Big MCU Tony Stark Energy. I have been maintaining this. What does this mean? I’m not sure. Confidence to cover up my barely held together anxiety? Snarky comments? Equal levels of self-loathing?

    Art is important. This is already all over the place. But anyway, art is important. It all means so much to me. There was a time I wanted to act, but then settled into not being in front of the camera because I have a real hate/hate relationship with myself I am also terrible. After taking Theater 101 my freshman year of highschool and apparently scaring the hell out of my classmates by doing a monologue from Fight Club, I decided maybe no. So I liked music better. I also discovered that learning table top roleplaying games help me scratch the itch to play and craft a story with others. Because honestly, I think all I wanted to do was play.

    I have been lucky enough to see two major long-term cinema journeys during my life. Lord of the Rings in middle school and early high school, then the Infinity Saga from Marvel. To a lot of people, these are just pop culture fluff. Untrue. The heroes journey can be found anywhere, for anyone. Captain Ahab is just as important to people as Captain America.

    I have been reading comics since I could read. I have my favorites – Hellboy, The Maxx, Y the Last Man, Kingdom Come, Doctor Strange, The Defenders. I read a lot of independent full stories or things from Dark Horse and Image. (I read “regular” books a lot too. So calm down.)

    We can find ourselves anywhere and I think that seeing that reflection helps us cope.

    I met my husband when I met up with some friends to see Captain Marvel. We were there to attend a comic art show and he was mutual friends with one of my good friends, but we had never crossed paths as he was away at school. At the end of 2024, things were pretty bleak here in my home. We talked about how excited we were for the next Captain America movie and decided that no matter how terrible things were going, we would make it a point to do a rewatch of the MCU. We would sit down, have a drink, snuggle the dog, and just try and push through.

    This has ended up being a surprising self-reflective action. We talked during and after each film the same way one would talk through something selected by The Criterion Collection. (Admittedly, my coworker and I have started a semi-weekly movie night we have called Flix Not Cinema, where we watch whatever the fuck we want and will have enthusiastic discussions about movies like “Hell Comes to Frogtown” with the same gravitas.)

    This is also the time when he told me his whole origin story. I had never heard it before. My husband is a clinician. He has worked really hard to become a doctor and our life is not glamorous. He only graduated residency a few years ago.

    He originally wanted to be a surgeon. He told me he was good – very good. He enjoyed it and he was gearing up to specialize. Then he fell and broke his back. He was unable to get proper treatment – ironically because he was in med school and there was no time, money, or availability – and put it off. Barely making it through in a metal brace. Because of this, he could no longer stand for surgery.

    When we were talking about the Marvel films he mentioned that he had skipped Doctor Strange and he thinks that the origin story may be why. We talked and decided to skip ahead to watch it. I ended up watching him react more than the movie. (I share this with his permission.)

    As the time slowed down to show Strange’s hands smashed in the dashboard, I heard Roy take a sharp breath in. We stopped it and he took a moment and then said he could continue. He was sucked in, and I didn’t find out until the next day that he had processed his own journey. He sat down at breakfast and told me the whole story of his injury – one I hadn’t heard before. He is also a martial artist, which was something that was also largely lost to him. He said some other personal things that are not mine to tell, but the gist is he was able to prepare to face some buried stuff because of a “superhero movie.”

    I had a similar experience a few weeks later with Iron Man 3. Seeing reflections of my own panic attacks on screen, the whole sub plot of “more than a man in a can,” thinking about my own experiences where I narrowly escaped losing my life… it pushed a button for me, too.

    I have been in therapy for 5-6 years now. I’m not ashamed of it. If I hadn’t found my therapist, I don’t know where I would be after the multiple attacks and situations I went through. I appreciate her because we can talk about everything.

    I broached the subject of the MCU rewatch, Roy’s reaction to Doctor Strange and my own to Iron Man 3. She responded with a sound of surprise.

    “Youre rewatching? Me and my partner are, too!”

    “Really? Fuckin serious?”

    It turns out that she and her partner had near identical conversations as Roy and I had about rewatching the MCU, including whether to watch them in release order or chronological. We then used these films and characters to discuss reflections of behavior.

    Yes, my incredibly accomplished and smart therapist with more letters behind her name than anyone I know used superheros to work through grief with me. We plan to continue this as we both rewatch, including The Blip later to talk about my grief.

    I find myself enjoying conversations about society reflected in art and pop culture more and more. This year, I think, will be more about this sort of things for me. I have some books lined up on it.

    I’m thinking of talking to the local library about hosting a monthly film night.

    Maybe Flix Not Cinema will bloom.

    My Goodreads – the “Now Reading” is mostly accurate as my ADHD brain often wanders from book to book.
    My 2024 reading was… a mood.

  • Whatever it is, I’m against it

    I was extremely stressed out, and my husband sat down to watch a Marx Brothers movie with me for the first time while I was trying to relax. My dad would put them on for me when I was a sick kid and apparently I didn’t say much until I started spouting Marx Bros quotes at a couple years old.

    He says, “This. This is your whole personality. I understand now.”

    I’d say it’s about 60/40 Marx Brothers and The Muppet Show. Possibly split further between that and Tom Waits music.

  • Core Memories: Atlanta

    The last two weeks have been bedlam. A debacle. Maybe that’s a little bit of an exaggeration, but certainly in the macrocosm it has been as far as the changes in the country I live in and the area.

    We had an abrupt employment change (not me) and were not sure if we would keep the roof over our heads. We scrambled and we are. However, this means I’ll be once again haunting the house as Roy is off doing a rotation across the country.

    But you know what. I’ll figure it out.

    We were talking about digging our heels in and not moving if we can avoid it. The only way I would move is to be just a little closer to a major city or if we absolutely have to. I’m exhausted. Relocating every few years since 2008 has been exhausting.

    I’ve always had a weird love/hate with being in a city. I grew up in south western Pennsylvania, and Pittsburgh seemed less city-like as it was nestled into mountains and you could stumble into parks and green spaces so my time living there didn’t feel so city, even though most of my friends lived in the same neighborhood and I just walked to their places or I took the bus down town for work or the train (I loved riding the T).

    I want what a city offers without the city. Music. Art. International food is a bonus. This has been the longest stretch of time I wasn’t in or near enough to several cities to scratch my culture itch.

    Atlanta… Atlanta was a beast. My five years there was terrible and wonderful and I miss it but I think I would punch someone if I had to live metro again, though East Atlanta was okay. But sometimes I think about going back. It had everything that made me happy. Except the museums but I guess if you grow up near the Carnegie, that just kind of happens. The bar is high.

    Some highlights as I look back on that time:

    Finding the SCA and becoming determined I was going to learn to fence. I did okay, but my leg was even more messed up than it is now and I struggled. It was very soon after my violence-related trauma and it turns out that when someone was actually coming at me with a sword, I didn’t handle it well.

    Guy on the left is Wistric. I called him the “Tony Stark of fencing.” He was going to take me on and train me and I chickened out, then I got in a situation where I was often discouraged from doing things. The kindness by this group will NEVER be forgotten by me

    Living in East Atlanta. Walking to concerts all the time and wandering home in the middle of the night. Ill advised. My roommate, Patrick taking me on his motorcycle to the Midway Pub for vegan corndogs. (I miss Patrick. Living with Patrick was a blast and I sometimes think I should not have moved out and should have stayed with him, as things went a bit downhill after. Though there was still some good. Patrick remember when I came back and stayed when I was working on that puppet holiday short and you were like “please come back” well I should have, even though I would have moved in with Roy eventually. Patrick, you and Chrisco were the best – but also my heart will always remember David, Sharon and Ashley too)

    Living in a house full of musicians when I first moved there.

    Pressing tofu with an amplifier.

    All the puppetry, music and film I participated in. I was basically a roadie for almost six years and I never learned to roll up cable properly.

    I never learned that I needed to put my boots on BEFORE my corset when dressing for performances.

    I miss DragonCon.

    I miss all the movies. I loved seeing SHIELD vehicles parked around. Or the time I was in traffic and Captain America was stopped beside me on a vintage WWII motorcycle and full gear. Was it a stunt man? Was it a cosplayer? Who knows. But we saluted at each other.

    The time I took myself to see Cirque du Soleil three times.

    Sweet Hut. Oh god, Sweet Hut. Please give unto me tofu sandwiches and savory bread and caterpillar pastries.

    And while we are at it LA FONDA. Both locations.

    Getting my ears pierced and crying because it hurt so much (this was when I was just discovering that the pain I feel is NOT the normal of level of pain everyone feels and thus the journey on figuring out my autoimmune disorder. The piercing artist was very kind.) Wandering down the street after to Flying Biscuit to eat garlic green beans and mac n cheese.

    The Ghastly Dreadfuls at the Center for Puppetry Arts.

    The haunted shed in the back of Patrick’s house. Fuck that shed. I hated it.

    Conversely, The tree swing in Patrick’s yard. This, I was fond of and was on it constantly.

    When we would lay out in the yard and night and watch the owls. We may or may not have been blissfully stoned.

    The time our other roommate came home from working as a PA and said “Hey, the location scout for some show is going to come look at our place for exteriors. Is that okay?” We said “Yeah, sure.” We didn’t get chosen, but next summer we found out it was for Stranger Things.

    Most of my friends being in Marvel, Walking Dead, or Stranger Things activities, then making indie movies on weekends.

    My time in the Weather Channel mail room. God I loved that gig. I covered reception for an hour every day.

    Playing gigs in Heaven and Hell.

    When they shut down the street in front of my print shop job for a film. There was going to be explosions. We had to get there early so they could let us through. I got there at 5am, but the owner wasn’t there yet so I sat on the sidewalk and the special effects team chatted with me about what would happen and answered all my questions. They were very nice.


    Bar trivia nights with Teddy Bash. We scored a perfect game once because I was able to answer “What is the requirement for masseuses in feudal Japan?”
    “They are blind. Because of Zatoichi.”
    “What’s Zaotichi?”
    “The Blind Fucking Swordsman, what you we raised in a goddamn barn?”

    Walking downstairs once into a clothing optional party on the main floor of one of the places I rented a room. A dude telling me that “Dating is his hobby, would I like to be on the list?” and I was just trying to get a fucking apple out of the cupboard lord save me from the hippies. (Sparkle Pony Express was good though, you guys were good hippies ha)

    The time I got the flu and was so sick I passed out in the hallway and Chrisco put me in bed.

    When we got fireworks and set them off in the cul-de-sac and pretended to be wizards, and everyone wanted to play with puppets.

    When I saw the Electric Six and started chatting with the guitar player after when we were waiting for drinks at the bar. I asked, “How do you get over your stage fright? I’ve been in ensemble groups, but now I’m in a small band and I’m kind of scared.” He told me: “Just push yourself a little bit more to be weird every time and eventually, you are outside your own box.”

    Going to see Teddy Bash play in the symphony.

    Puddles Pity Party.

    Feeling so alive and creative, even when I was in a very bad situation.

    Working for The Extraordinary Contraptions – this was at a hot air balloon festival. That’s me on the far left.
  • Art: With Great Power something something

    Before I started to drift a bit, lose my spark for my own art (though I do well continuing to do freelance for others), I was more easy with myself. I would do whatever was in my head, whether I shared it or not, and had fun with it. I think sometimes about the stereotypes of the dramatic, emotion filled artist. It is really hard for me to do art when I’m not in a good place. I do better when I’m full of moxie and whimsy and the ideas flow.

    When I’m hurting or grieving or sad, it’s like a dam goes up. I don’t know if it is a catharsis for me then. Music usually is – I listen or play, but I don’t share. My visual art and projects tend to just… stop. I’ve been struggling with this for a bit.

    I attended a medium university. My major was graphic design but the art program for design was newish and on top of our design studio and survey we had to get our hands into just about everything – including sociology, economics, and philosophy.

    I had painting survey and studio. I had my friends in university, but as far as the art department and classes I kept to myself a bit. By my third year, I had gotten myself in a bad situation that I tried to not bring attention to – it affected me in every way and would take two and half years before I would get out of it.

    I still did my best. I started to struggle with sharing in my painting studio, always looking at what others did and trying to force those feelings out of me instead of clamming up.

    I had a project due, an oil, and I only had three primary colors and some white. I didn’t have the funds for any more. I would walk the mile to campus in the middle of the night and sign myself into the attic studio at the old art building and try and think.

    A friend had given me a Spider-man pez dispenser. The candy was gross, but I started carrying it around in my pocket. It was a weird grounding object for me. I would fidget with it, offer other people the candy, just generally hold onto it like it was something that kept me tethered.

    So I sat in the studio, staring at my canvas. If I remember correctly, I had Led Zeppelin blasting in my headphones. I took the Pez dispenser out and set it next to my easel, just to dig for something in my pocket. I had an idea. One that made me laugh, and I needed a laugh at that moment.

    And thus was born my only oil painting (I found over time I preferred the chaos of watercolors) to date. I can’t remember what my professor said about it – I don’t think he ever really liked what I did. I liked him a lot, but he was kind of edgy and one of those people that went to Burning Man before Burning Man was glamping for techbros and heiresses. But I think he appreciated that I had some sort of wonderland going on inside my head even if I didn’t say much.

    This may be one of my favorite things I have ever done, because it means a lot to me. The skill is questionable, I had no idea what I was doing with oil, my supplies were limited, but it’s a pure example of something that passes through my head. The black is latex house paint that I bartered a granola bar for when someone else was in there with the can open.

    What if the Pez dispenser’s Spidey sense went off when someone reached for it?

    I actually had a triptych study of Mike Mignola’s Hellboy for composition class that was tempera on some weird slick paper that I can’t remember but they were either stolen or lost after the student art show.

    I still need to get some sort of gilded frame for this thing. It still makes me happy.

  • Even a Little Action Matters

    Things sure are a hot fucking mess right now.

    Everything feels so big – but I try to calm my mind and focus on what I can control

    To ground myself, I am looking at these books:

    Books are my vice. I could build a fort out of them. Want to support an independent bookstore but not somewhere you can get to them? Try – they now have ebooks, too.

    Visit your local library! Or buy used! I use Thriftbooks quite a bit. When I am truly finished with a book I try to pass it on, donate it to a direct cause, use the No Buy Group in my town, or Thriftbooks has a buy back program now if you want to put it back in circulation.

    Recycle your clothes, shoes, backpacks, bags, etc with Trashie. Trashie now recycles technology, too!

    Terracycle recycles and repurposes things that generally you cannot recycle locally. They also now have a useful home goods shop with things like storage containers and plant pots that are made from the recycled materials that people send it. AND if the item gets broken or the life of the item is over for you, you can send it back to be recycled again

    Crown Poly has products made from plant based materials, are compostable, or made from reclaimed ocean plastic.

    There are options for picnic ware made from cornstarch or are biodegradable.

    I read news from Alaina Woods, a climate scientist here:

    I’m looking forward to replacing what little grass is around my house and the sparse moss with this fine fescue and clover pollinator low-mow blend. The roots will help the soil as well. This is our test patch from last summer:

    From Earthwise seed –

    There’s thankfully still a lot of want to be harmonious with the environment in the state where I live – so we’re looking at grants from the Soil and Water administration, the Arbor foundation, and the community garden to try and clean up and restore. Hopefully starting the orchard as well. We only have 5 acres, and most of it is woods, backed up against 80 acres of open forest. But we will love it the best we can.

  • The One Where I Attend a PKE Party

    Writing while I think of it and will return later with pictures and further explanation.

    Things fucking blow right now, gentle reader, where I live. It’s been one rug pull after another for myself and Roy, since about early 2020.

    Being a wraith around your own home while being completely separated from your friends, family, and your partner and repeatedly trying to find footing in new communities grates on you after a while. It’s easy to be in a Mood.

    Regardless, this week in particular is a sword of Damocles hanging over our household. We shall know by Sunday if things are to get a lot worse or a lot better in my household microcosm.

    But I partially digress –

    What occurred to me this past weekend is that as alone, hopeless, and just generally terrible I have felt for the last five years, I have been doing a great disservice to the people in my life by not recognizing that they are, in fact, there. The thing about spending the majority of your adult life thus far (from about 2006 to 2019) in the clutches of complete and utter wankers that spend most of their time tearing you down to make themselves feel better, it becomes a bit of a forest/trees situation. Add to that being very isolated, moving multiple times, and your body becoming your enemy, everything feels impossible and people feel so far away (not just physically but in every other way, too.)

    I am very used to having friends scattered about the country and the world, and driving a couple hours to see someone or taking phone calls in the middle of the night because it’s the afternoon in Britain or the West Coast of the US. The last couple years, though, I was alone pretty much 75% of the time, sometimes going whole days without speaking out loud except to the animals or even bothering to write a letter, email or text. (I love the advent of texts and emails, honestly, as a prolific note-passer in high school.)

    All this to say, I did not realize that I exist in other people’s minds. I am shocked when people recognize or remember me or they say “so and so told me about you.” Every time. Without fail.

    So I was a bit surprised when about a month ago I got a message from someone that I knew just socially. I am a bit of a lurking member of some special interest groups or talk channels. In this case, a bit of a club that is run by a couple of paranormal investigators that has grown past the confines of a club to real friendships and to conversations about all sorts of things. For the record – I think the universe and world are far bigger than we imagine and I love all things high strangeness. I was a Goosebumps and X-Files child.

    I had talked to her – I’ll call her by the name I first knew her by though I don’t think she minds general first name usage, and that name is Fire Breathing Unicorn (she is in fact a fire performer!) – over the past three years just in conversation, responses to things, about books, just a general club sort of association and it grew into a friendship, along with a handful of other folks that I have done things with or see as friends.

    But she said to me, summarized as such:

    “Hey! I heard you moved very far away from everything after having a very bad time and you now live in Very Cold State. I also live in Very Cold State! In fact, Mimici and two others live not too far from me in Very Cold State and Other Very Cold State. It must be hard being alone and starting over, and I have heard about the hard time you are having. Winters can be isolating here, so how about we all find a central place and meet up? Things are scary in the world right now and this will also give us a chance to feel okay and also have a great time being weird.”

    I was pleasantly surprised.

    FBU found a farmhouse that was available for rent in a surprisingly central location. We all pitched in to rent it for the weekend.

    This past Saturday, I rose early, attended the animals, told Roy I wouldn’t get in too much trouble, and headed out.

    And it was easy. Reader, it was so fucking easy. I arrived and it was like no one was a stranger. Someone made local wild rice soup with mushrooms and sourdough bread. I brought drinks. Another had snacks. All n attendance were laid back, open to being weird and goofy and playful, and adventurous. We talked about conversations we had, philosophy, high strangeness, the state of the country and what we could do about it – punctuated with excited exclamations of “THE DONKEY IS BACK!” every time one of the animals wandered past the window in the snow.

    And everyone brought something with them on the topic of exploring the world beyond what we know. A show and tell of ghost hunting equipment, tarot cards, a stack of books on quantum theory and philosophy and Jung, spoons to bend, a spirit board, all manner of things.

    Zener Cards – We did a round of 24. I got 6 of 24 right, but 5 of them were all in a row.

    So we dove in. We did remote viewing, someone suggested living room karaoke, we tried to bend spoons. I sure do miss having slumber parties. I have slept on a lot of couches in my time, partially just because visiting people were often weekend trips, or we stayed up too late for it to be safe to drive home.

    Like a junior high sleepover. Except with high strangeness.

    We also had an adventure – it turns out someone we all know in the same manner, who is a Swedish researcher for the BBC and folklorist, mentioned off handedly he had a branch of his family that moved to America a hundred yearsish ago and was looking for someone in America to see if they could find anything out. And it turns out that they moved to THE TOWN THAT WAS CENTRAL TO US THAT WE WERE IN.

    So we dove into ancestry research, checked records and found the cemetery. We trudged through a foot of snow in negative Farenheit weather, determined to find the burial place. We found the wrong person the first time, but I was informed after I returned home the next day that they went back out and found we were at the renamed version of that cemetery and they found the actual place and LOCATED THE FAMILY.

    I believe I was the shortest at 5’4″, though the others weren’t too far off. I’m not sure if I was standing in a divot or just vastly overestimated the snow depth.


    I sat on this thought this past Sunday, when I returned to the Grief that lives in my home right now. That maybe, no one is ever too far away. Same moon in the sky and all that. Or in the case of my best friend, the Rivendel Elf to my Hobbit Self, Beth – “we have the same joggers with stars on them so we can match from two sides of the continent.”

    Hell, the fact that we almost lost our home at the end of 2023 and people I barely know did a fund raiser and auction for us, sent us canned goods and food for the animals. I will never, ever forget that, but somehow part of my heart did.

    Maybe, though Grief is less a shambling thing or monster under my bed, and is more a season for me, sometimes these seasons can have a spot of sun.

    This took a bit of a turn in this writing, I suppose, but part of doing this is maybe having catharsis.

    Additionally, I found that when doing psychic experiments, getting progressively baked does not in fact increase your psychic abilities but you do get damn confident in your guesses. Also I may have a future in remote viewing.

    If this week goes well, we will go see Captain America: Brave New World on Sunday because Mackie deserves his fucking flowers and I am terrifically excited.

    Today’s book, recommended to me by my therapist:

    Victor E. Frankl – “Man’s Search for Meaning.”

    Stay weird

    Be ungovernable


    Make your own happy

  • Cheese for Charity!

    Cover art for Charity EP – June 2023
    Digital – texture, color, building and graphics

    This is definitely one of my favorite projects and I got there in a roundabout way.

    In December of 2022, the show The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs, that is part of AMC+ and streams on the Shudder network had a charity auction.

    My husband, unbeknownst to me, had somehow managed to snag me the item that I thought was the best idea: a custom song by the music supervisor at the time of the show, John Brennan.

    Subsequently, the producer and director of the show got in touch with me through email, and put me in touch with John Brennan.

    We had some crossed wires with emails and finally John set up something and I forget how it came about but he ended up just giving me a call.

    We talked for a long time about the songs, convention experiences, and film and had so much fun when I tossed out that the topic should be “cheese” he came up with the idea of expanding it from one song to a 5-song EP.

    I didn’t have the ability to travel to John to play any instruments or a setup at home to record myself, so he offered for me to design the cover.

    John is prolific as fuck and he and Liz put together five songs in styles of bands I like and thus Cheese for Charity was born.

    We ended up getting the okay to sell the expanded collaboration as a charity during a time frame for St. Jude’s Hospital. I produced one song, he made four more, and then we raised more money for charity!

    John is fantastic, tells awesome stories, and has the best New York accent. He’s always kind to me and fun to talk to when we chat or text. He had a bit of a rough time in the fall of 2024 with an apartment fire and some project changes. I definitely look forward to supporting him in the future!

    Some day we’ll do that puppet music video together.

    This was so much fun and I got a portfolio piece for it.

    Thanks Austin and John!

    John Brennan’s Stuff



    IMDB Bio:

  • We’ve Gone on Holiday By Mistake

    Being the Blog of Steampowered Mouse

    That is, in fact, a dog not a blanket.

    It is about time I got my act together to make a website. I have often practiced shouting into the void and now and again the void shouts back. I’m not the best at writing bios but I’ll try to give a survey of who I am. (Thank you, Kindle, for reading this and giving me helpful feedback.)

    My name is Caite. I’m an individual of many hats. Mainly I am a visual artist, musician, puppeteer and gal Friday. I love art and film, and so much of the opportunities I have had in my life in these regards are through the kindness of others and the drive that “I want to play, too.” I think being oneself and play is very important.

    I hope to make this site a portfolio of my professional and semi-professional works as well as a blog. I find writing helps me process and it seems to have helped others hold accountability with their projects if they have an outlet.

    There will be swearing. There will be pontificating about media, film, books, music, high strangeness, puppets, whatever strikes my fancy.

    There will eventually be a portfolio of my work as a designer and production artist. These include logos, adverts, album covers and packaging, art, and various things.

    My day job is a graphic designer/production artist for a large hospitality technology company which I have worked with since 2017. Chances are, you have interacted with something I helped do if you stayed in a major hotel. On top of content and design, I suppose I bring a bit of goblin chaos to the proceedings, as my team is wonderful, and I am certain if we were ever in a room all at once we would get in a spot of trouble.

    I hope that perhaps this will be catharsis and something to help me get a bit of a spark back after giving up hope a little bit. My home carries grief as a visitor as of late.

    I try to respect privacy where I can so some people when I mention them will be referred to as nicknames or other things. I have some lovely interactions I hope to share sometimes, but I may leave out names or further identifying things.

    Those that know me and have met my husband, I assure you that Roy is in fact the person you have met that has a different name. He asks that I am vague about him in certain situations, so I am and also why sometimes I use both names when talking to certain people.

    I am a survivor of domestic violence and other situations that have colored how I interact with the world a bit. I am six years into a good therapist – who recommended I write again. Whether or not I actually give this link out we’ll see ha, and this is something that I am working on releasing shame for.

    Part of what I do is contract with a victim advocacy center where I handle their marketing, information design needs and social media/information networking in addition to my day job. They provide care and emergency services for people in domestic abuse situations as well as safe visitation space for people looking to regain custody of their children.

    I’m in my 30’s. I have a chronic health condition that is genetic and a few years ago dislocated/cracked my tailbone and I did not seek medical attention and now I am all kinds of fucked up about it. I am still in the process of physical therapy. I despise physical therapy, but I adore my therapist (hello E.U., you’re wonderful and I like that we laugh through every session.)

    I’m interested in conservation and being the best human I can while interacting with the Earth. I may post about that as well from time to time, in addition to the things we attempt to do around our home in the woods. I’m most at home surrounded by trees.

    As of this writing I have two house rabbits and a dog.

    My rabbits are Mystic and Hex. Mystic is a bizarre little monster that is wholly unafraid of people and demands to be actually carried around like a small monarch. We call him the Duchess. Hex is a mild-mannered guy that spent the first 15 months of his life in a shelter until we adopted him. He has been on the inside and has the scars to prove it. He’s been slow to open up but he’s always up for a cuddle.

    My dog is Arrow, and knows words in English and American Sign Language, and is a menace. He’s a little over a year old and is some sort of Great Pyrenees / poodle amalgamation. He’s somewhere over 65lbs and when he stands on his back legs he is almost face to face with me (I’m about as average as they come at 5’4″) so he’s like a giant toddler.

    I have been in a few independent puppet film projects and I am grateful for the chance, live projects and performances, and performed and volunteered for the Puppetry Track at DragonCon and the Center for Puppetry Arts in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. There is nothing quite like doing line entertainment and direction for drunken con-goers in the middle of the night waiting to see a puppet slam. I always tabled at the puppetry track table as I loved being a pusher for puppet information and art. The last year I was able to attend before my life became extremely chaotic and we had to move several times, I was “promoted” and managed opening the table myself.

    Judging from my hair color this must be 2015. Behold my puppet holster.
    Running fog machine and lights for an indie horror film. This was actually in the yard where I was living with my two roommate, Chrisco and Patrick. It was by the haunted shed that I hated. Yes, my hat has ears on it.

    Growing up I enjoyed photography, and my friends and I were always making or writing movies. I have an interest in languages and figured I would be in film, photography or become a linguist/translator. None of which really came to fruition in full. In high school I took university level English and Literature courses and excelled there and in art and design while struggling with maths and everything else and generally getting into every music or performance situation I could. I did a pretty decent turn as MacBeth in a table reading of the play because none of the guys wanted to do it.

    Three of the classic films by Laverne Productions of Fayette County. Good lord I need to digitize these and get some permissions to at least share Robots Outside

    I went to a small art program at a small university in the woods by the river and some train tracks. It was a weird time in my life and sometimes I feel like I could have done better but here we are.

    As a musician, I took formal piano lessons, but otherwise no formal training though I wish I had. I took a lesson now and again with a local guy to help me when the band director gave me a particularly difficult piece or for a really tough musical number. I have played bass guitar since my 13th birthday and frequently was in pit orchestras for musicals as a student and later a hired ringer.

    I wanted to audition for Cirque du Soleil musician in college, but I backed out at the last minute after practicing my heart out for it. Much like each year I stare at the application for the O’Neil Puppetry Conference and then never click “send.”

    Sometimes I wonder about that. I did swing/jazz band all through high school and college and field band. I do also play the flute, which is sort of something I just figured out after very rudimentary “you put your fingers here” lessons in middle school. I have been in student orchestras as well as high honors audition-based state- and country-wide orchestras and I think it was mainly moxie that got me there because I just wanted to play music so badly. My senior year of high school, I had a solo, but I had to switch chairs with the second chair flute so I was not immediately visible because I kept laughing at the climax of “Also Sprach Zarathrustra” and I am not sure why it struck me as so funny but it did. I got in a little trouble. I briefly played tenor saxophone in middle school at age 12 or 13 because it was the same place you put your fingers for flute but sideways. I was not the best with a reed instrument but why not.

    I played bass in field band. By hooking my amplifier to a boat battery. Every time the weather turned sour, it was an adventure.

    I’m allegedly an alto according to the musical director of my high school but mainly I sing for fun and by imitation. My voice sounds like “a Disney princess with a northern Appalachian accent and a vocal fry” as per a friend and I guess that’s fairly accurate.

    I worked for a band for a number of years, and have been in several of my own. The band I worked for, which some of these details will come later, was a concept band and we all had costumes and characters. I did everything from run their merch table, book shows, edit videos, design CD packaging, whatevs.

    Music is my life line. I was (and probably still am) a punk kid growing up – garage shows, everyone in a band, mohawks, The Clash, The Sex Pistols, Rancid, Bowie, Pink Floyd the whole deal. I’m not too much different now, honestly.

    Some of the lads. This was at a charity event my friends and I did for the local homeless shelter called “Mission for the Mission.” I was the event photographer. Two of the boys in this photo have passed away in the last ten years. Godspeed Nate and Jeffy.

    I live in America, and things are quite a mess here right now. I shall endeavor to live deliciously as I can and do all the good I can for the environment and fellow humans before my punk ass is carted away. Human rights and equality are important to me.

    I am the stereotypical “voracious reader.” I read comics as well as books.

    On all this – I invite you to reach out. Despite being a bit quiet, I really like talking to people from all over the world, and am always up for a chat.

    I’m still trying to sort out a contact page, but for now you can reach me at

    I’m currently open for some professional inquiries as well.

    Cheers and remember:

    Strength before weakness. Life before death. Journey before destination.


    Additional resources for the time that are reflective of who I am:

    My interview on “Creative Weirdos” with Todd Purse. Todd is wonderful and I love his art. We talk about games, the nature of play, philosophy, whatever. We had no plan and he just asked me to do it. This was the first time we ever spoke! He is delightful. I just sort of… talked for awhile. It starts with video games and art and I pick up steam and throw out all sorts of philosophical nuggets that may or may not hold truths. Probably not. Contains my superhero origin story.

    My only starring film role! An 8mm black and white film done in conjunction with Pittsburgh Filmmakers by Jonathan Decarlo (he works in THE INDUSTRY now) I think we were all between 18-21 in this. I did this because I spent an ungodly amount of time each summer with these punks and we were always making movies and also they needed a girl and I said “Okay.”

    *It occurs to me now that while I hadn’t watched or thought about this movie in awhile, it’s a little odd because only a couple years after this I would be car jacked while sitting at a red light (perhaps for another post) and then a little after that I would dodge fate again at the hands of an angry man. This is now kind of ominous foreshadowing. However – I am still happy I participated. Also, the “John Doe” in this is one of my best friends from high school. He stayed over my house all the time and I at his and we would run around at 2am causing trouble. I was in his wedding a few years back.

    The 2015 DragonCon parade puppetry track support of Big Bird.
    (There is an excellent story here. Timestamp 14:12, good view of the group and I’m the one in the back in the black and purple with the bright blue gremlin puppet.)

    And in closing, a climate scientist that I follow that gives good climate news if you need a win.